Meeting documents

SCC Audit Committee
Thursday, 31st January, 2019 10.00 am

  • Meeting of Audit Committee, Thursday 31st January 2019 10.00 am (Item 110.)

To consider this report.


The Committee considered this report that provided information on the latest debt position and performance to help maintain effective financial control.


Members attention turned to the report that provided details on the recovery of outstanding debts and it was reported that as at 31 December the total net outstanding on the accounts receivable system stood at £12.833m, this compared to £10.444m at the same time last year.


The report also provided information about the type of debt and debtors by category, including payment days, and the Members were reassured by the reported actions being undertaken to ensure prompt collection. Members were pleased to note that the percentage of debts over 90 days as at 31 December 2018 stood at 12.00%, which represented a significant improvement on the previous December when the figure stood at 43.51% and this was a testament to the efforts of the former Chief Internal Auditor.


In response to a question it was confirmed that the total amount of debt outstanding had risen steadily over 2018/2019 however it was stated that raising more debt was not a concern as it appeared that debts were now being collected more efficiently.


There was a brief discussion and questions asked and answers provided in respect of raising invoices and paying VAT and it was explained that both were done promptly at the appropriate time. The Committee accepted the report.


The Committee considered this report that provided information on the latest debt position and performance to help maintain effective financial control.


Members attention turned to the report that provided details on the recovery of outstanding debts and it was reported that as at 31 December the total net outstanding on the accounts receivable system stood at £12.833m, this compared to £10.444m at the same time last year.


The report also provided information about the type of debt and debtors by category, including payment days, and the Members were reassured by the reported actions being undertaken to ensure prompt collection. Members were pleased to note that the percentage of debts over 90 days as at 31 December 2018 stood at 12.00%, which represented a significant improvement on the previous December when the figure stood at 43.51% and this was a testament to the efforts of the former Chief Internal Auditor.


In response to a question it was confirmed that the total amount of debt outstanding had risen steadily over 2018/2019 however it was stated that raising more debt was not a concern as it appeared that debts were now being collected more efficiently.


There was a brief discussion and questions asked and answers provided in respect of raising invoices and paying VAT and it was explained that both were done promptly at the appropriate time. The Committee accepted the report.

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